Tuesday, November 25, 2014

~ I have moved ~

Hello everyone!
I´m so happy and excited to let you all know that I finally have my own proper website where you will find everything about me including my passion and my creations!
~ ♥ ~


My blog is there too!


So please come by and visit me there.
You will find also a free crochet pattern and in the future will have more tutorial of many other things for you there!
So Welcome to my World!

Hope to see YOU there!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

~ Let´s get Funky ~

Sometimes, I just love to make a Funky stuff!
~ ♥ ~

As you can see all of my creations are using these HeArt made buttons from Juliane, one of my favorite Fairy Sister!  
You can find these wonderful handmade wooden buttons at MamaManili
Feel free to write to her for custom made buttons for you or many other beautiful things that she creates.

I know you would already have a question in your mind that "If she going to share this pattern too?"
Oh, I wish I could!
Have ever happened to you that you were just crocheting and have no clue about what are you doing and of course no writing the stitches down as well!
Yeah, that´s what had happened to me.

Well, but I think you can find the answer for it.. 
Look! the back part on the top is a solid triangle granny. It´s the same pattern with Granny Square,  but only 3 instead of 4

The spiral part, will be a little bit of a challenge, but I´m sure you can fix it out. Just crochet in a circle, increase in every second round and when you got the size you wish, then in a very half way turn your work and crochet the other way around! You know what I mean?

The front part, I´ve just crocheted long scarf in the size that fit small woman and sew it in together.
So this Funky Vest are 3 parts sew into 1
I name it

Spell - Pixie Vest

If you make something like this, please share with me.. I would love to see your Funky Vest!

Happy Weekend everyone!
~ ♥ ~

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

~ Fairy Spirit Calling ~

A Whimsical Hoodie Collar
~ ♥ ~
 I created this piece for a very special Fairy!
You know, sometimes I hear whispers, voices from the spirit world or you can call Muse!
Just like this creation! Deep in my heart known that I made this for someone, someone that has not found her ways here yet, someone that is now on her ways to meet this beauty ♥

 So Whimsical and Magic 
~ ♥ ~

 Wrist Warmers looks so beautiful to me ^.^

The shade of blue reminding me of the Ocean, which I have been missing for years now.
There are so many thoughts and feeling through the process of birthing her to life and I wish so... that her´s partnership will find her soon, so that she would feel the love and warm that this piece will give her.
I call this beauty
Whispering Ocean

Wish You A Beautiful ~ Magical Day
~ ♥ ~

Monday, November 3, 2014

~ From now till then ~

Last week we got a visitor
 ~ ♥ ~
 I love how Matthias always travels with his Hang and plays this wonderful instrument everywhere he got a chance. You can feel that it´s truly the rhythm of the heart and soul.

   We went up to the Castle again, it´s seems to be the place that we like to take our friends and family there.. Who wouldn´t!
It´s so beautiful up there, although the weather was somewhat cloudy, but still beautiful in it´s owns way.

 My beloved seem to fall in love with this instrument as well and I have to say, the way he communicates with this sacred is truly divine!

 After I had finished 2 pieces of Pixie Hoodie Cape (and already sold ^.^) I started the new one, but this one is for unisex so, not much of the trim movement as it´s meant to be for my husband.

 I love how it sit on him.. The painting at the back is his work ^.^
He is such talented.... I´m so proud of him..

 See, look good on a woman too ^:^
However, I attempt to make better photos outside when the Sun will show up again.. Hopefully soon though ^.^

 I now started the new piece and thinking of shorter version this time. Something like Hoodie Neck warmer kind of.. but you never know what will turn out hihihhiii ^.^

I really in love with Granny Square especially this one, although the photo doesn´t do any justice to it´s beauty.

From now till I finish my new piece and be able to share it with you, I´m just sending you my big warmth cyber hug and I shall return to my crochet hook ^.^
If you wish to connect with me on Instragram where I´m updating my creation and making process, simply follow me @mywaymaygreen

Happy Monday
 ~ ♥ ~